
So my bro-in-law has challenged me to blog more. So I’ll try. I know I’ve said it in the past, and I like to read other people’s blogs a lot too. So I know what it feels like when they don’t blog in weeks..not that I will say any names……::cough::Adam……::cough::Tina……

So here is what is on my mind this morning.

I have told Brian and my mom, and maybe a couple other people, about this idea I had. And someone else already did it!! Aww stinker. Good for them because it is a good thing, but I wanted to be the first of course.

So the idea is to have a store that is a cross between a regular grocery store, and a farmers market, a Whole Foods, and a Costco. Selling the staples of life in bulk, and unpackaged. We throw away so much packaging year after year! There are so many things that are “conveniently” individually wrapped. But think about how much we could reduce our waste if most of what we ate didn’t come in a wrapper. People would bring reusable containers to the store with them, and fill up on the things they want to buy. Nuts, flour, coffee, household cleaners, whatever they want. Or we could sell reusable containers to them. We would sell as much local produce and goods as possible and as much Fair Trade as possible. It would be great!

So I was on tree-hugger, one of my fav websites, and saw this article. Someone already did it, and they are doing really well! It’s in Europe. I feel that Europe is further along in their Fair Trade and enviro friendly practices. Correct me if I’m wrong? So yay, good for “Unpackaged“.

photo from Tree-Hugger.com

One response to “

  1. dude, you should totally still do it! That’s awesome!

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